

Screenshot of original Snake using Java in Eclpise.

This was my first real programming project! This project was done in grade 11, originally using Java Swing component in Eclipse. It was my first expirience creating a GUI. It helped develop my understanding of arrays, especially 3D arrays. This project was my first introduction to using event listeners to listen for keyboard input, allowing the snake to move when the arrow keys are pressed. Of course, I have freshened it up a little since but I've still kept the main parts of the program, and a button that brings the theme back to the original one created in 2019.
Feel free to check out my program - Mobile is not incorporated (yet).

Chips Store

Screenshot of a demo of the chip store application programmed in ASP.NET and Vue.js

This project is a simulation of what an online chip store could look like, allowing the user to add chips to their cart and "buy" them. It was built using Vue, a JavaScript framework, to build the user interface. The backend utilized ASP.Net Core technology to establish a REST API that uses HTTP protocols and requests to POST, PUT, GET, and DELETE data. The website and the database are hosted via Azure. this project showed me a more in-depth view of the backend of a program. I learned about cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), the distinctions between authorization and authentication, and gained insight into how protect a password by generating a hash and salt. Learning about the process of how data is transferred in the DAL was very interesting to me! I learned about the controller's role in handling requests from a URL, often collaborating with the DAL/DAO to execute CRUD operations. The controller orchestrates this process, returning results and sending appropriate response codes.
Please feel free to use my test email, "", and password, "1", to login and view the different tabs of the website!

More To Be Added Soon...